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Update in Amazon (Image, Price, Stock)

Update Image in Amazon:

For Export / Update Product Image, you need to add Product Images info at menu ​Sales / Products / Product Variants.​ In Product, you will see a tab named Images.

Under that tab, you need to add Image URL and Image Name.

You can Export / Update Product Image by Selecting One or More Product from menu ​Amazon / Products / All Variants​ and click on Action to perform the operations.


When a user will export a product from ERP to Amazon, first the system will create a listing as incomplete.

After exporting images, price and stock, the listing will become active on Amazon. 

Update Price In Amazon: 

Before updating Price in Amazon, the seller needs to ensure that pricelists are configured properly in Odoo (Sales module) and associated with the concerned marketplace.

The seller can select pricelist for marketplace using ​Amazon / Configuration / Amazon Setting / Amazon Marketplace / Pricelist Name.

Once you have set the pricelist you can update the price by navigating to ​Amazon / Products / All Variants ​and choose the product in which you wish to update the price in Amazon and click on Action Update Price In Amazon.


You can update the price by navigating to ​Amazon / Operation​. You need to select the respected Amazon Seller and you need to choose FBA & FBM from the Operation menu and you need to choose Export Price from Odoo to Amazon from FBA & FBM Operation.

Update Stock in Amazon:

There are 3 ways to update stock from Odoo to Amazon: 

  1. You can select specific products from Amazon product list and click on Update Stock in Amazon option. As the product over here is associated with a single marketplace, it will update the stock for that concerned marketplace only.

  1. Go to Amazon / Amazon Operations you need to select the seller from the drop-down menu and from the Operation you need to select FBM and from the FBM Operation, you need to select Export stock from Odoo to Amazon. This option is basically for bulk operations. This option will enable the user to update stock of all the products to multiple marketplaces in a single shot.

  1. Configure scheduler to export stock from ERP to Amazon. This cron job will update stock for that selected Seller ID. To configure Scheduler go to ​Configurations / Sellers / FBM Scheduler.



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