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Product Builder With Category

Set Product slider and category slider with a trending image or product/category/brand

Step: 1 Go to website -> Editor -> Edit Step: 2 Click on Block Tab -> Under Dynamic Snippets option, drag and drop Product Builder With Category

Product Configurations

Step: 1 Select Product slider, -> Select filter by option from dropdown (Where you can load product, Brand, category and Product Tags) Step: 2 Set Button and other options you want in your sliders Step: 3 Change additional options depending on your needs.

Category Configurations

Step: 1 Select category you want to show Step: 2 Select the product count option if you would like to show the number of product associated with that category Step: 3 Change additional options depending on your needs.

Image Configurations Upload any image and set appropriate links

Note: You can change the template of the product category sliders.

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