There can be a scenario where some of your stock becomes unsellable due to unavoidable circumstances in which it cannot be restored back to its original state. In this case, you can either remove the stock from Amazon FBA warehouse or you can dispose of it.
There are three types of a removal orders
In the removal order process, user can create removal orders to get back the product from Amazon warehouse to Merchant warehouse. User can return two types of products: Sellable and Unsellable products.
If the product is unsellable, then the system will transfer from Amazon unsellable location to Merchant warehouse, scrap location.
If the product is sellable, then the system will transfer from Amazon stock location to Merchant warehouse stock location.
The system will select a Merchant warehouse based on configuration.
In this case, Amazon will dispose of products and in the ERP system, it will create an internal transfer from Amazon sellable/unsellable location to Inventory Loss.
If Product is sellable, then the system will transfer from Amazon stock location to Inventory Loss.
If the product is unsellable, then the system will transfer from Amazon unsellable location to Inventory Loss.
In this case, Amazon will liquidate the products, and our connector will create an internal transfer from Amazon’s sellable/unsellable location to the Customers’ location.
Request and Process of Removal Orders
You can request the FBA removal orders in two ways, one is Manually and the other is using the scheduler.
1. Manually Through Operations:
You can request the removal order by navigating to Amazon ↣ Operation. You need to select the respective Seller and choose FBA and select Removal Order Report. You need to mention the start date and end date.
2. Automatically through Scheduler :
You can navigate to Amazon ↣ Configuration ↣ Sellers ↣ FBA Scheduler.
Create Removal Order from Odoo
You can create a removal order by going to Amazon ↣ FBA ↣ Removal Orders ↣ Create Removal Order Plan. Here you can specifiy remoal order marketplace.
After performing the above action, you will redirect to the removal order form view, where you can enter the following deatils:
Instance: Choose the Marketplace for which you would like to create removal.
Destination Warehouse: By default, the system will select Removal Warehouse based on instance configuration.
Removal Disposition: You can choose it either to return the product or you wish to dispose of the product.
Shipping Address: If removal disposition is return, then the shipping address is required. User can create removal order manually or import using CSV file.
When the removal order is created by the user, the system will automatically create a removal order on Amazon and change the state to removal plan approved.
When the Removal Order in Draft Stage, Amazon will decide to process it further. Once the order is processed, you can see the status of the products covered in Removal Order by clicking on button generated at the top right as shown below.
Here the status will change to Removal Plan Approved if your Removal Order is processed successfully by Amazon.
Process Removal Order Report
During this process, the system will process the removal order report. There are three states of Removal process i.e. Completed, Pending and Cancelled.
If the status is Cancelled, then the system will cancel all those related moves of products from Amazon FBA warehouse to your warehouse.
If the status is Completed, then the system will transfer picking in Odoo otherwise the system will just skip the lines.
If the status is Pending, then there are 3 possibilities.
If found shipped quantity, then the system will create a transfer picking.
If found the canceled quantity, then the system will cancel the stock moves for those products.
If found the in-progress quantity, then the system will create a backorder for partially shipped products.
You can view the report by going to Amazon ↣ FBA ↣ Removal Order Report.
In the report, if we have a removal order reference which does not exist in ERP but where auto created by Amazon, then the system will create those removal order and process it further just as you processed earlier orders which were created manually.