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Amazon Odoo Connector
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Amazon FBA connector provides features to get live stock and upgrade sellable/non-sellable inventory in ERP. System will create & validate inventory adjustments based on this report.

User can do this process using two methods. 

1. Manually through Operations 

  • Navigate to ​Amazon ↣ Operations ↣ Select Seller ↣ Select Operations for FBA & FBM ↣ FBA Live Inventory.
  • Same as shipment and customer return report, users can request a report and wait for 10 or 20 seconds to click on the check status button. If the report is not ready then status shown is In Progress and when the report is ready then status shown is Done.
  • If the status is DONE then the user can click on Get report and process report. Here, the system will create two different inventory for sellable and unsellable product stock.

2. Automatically through Scheduler

User can configure the scheduler to request live inventory and process inventory from ​Amazon ↣ Configuration ↣ Sellers ↣ FBA scheduler​.


The following video illustrates the process of live inventory report

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