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Configurations to be ensured Before importing FBM Orders

  • Does another software create the FBA shipment reports? 

If you are using any third party other than this connector tool and those tools also request shipment reports for the same time range for which we requested this shipment report then in such case Amazon will cancel one request. So if this option is selected then the system will not request the new shipment report instead, it will download the report already generated by another software.

  • Default Customer for FBA pending order

Customer to be set in a quotation for FBA pending order.

  • Auto workflow 

You can configure/create Auto Sales workflow from ​Amazon ↣ Configuration ↣ Auto Sales Workflow ↣ Create​.

  • Is default Odoo Sequence in Sales Orders (FBA) ? 

At the time of importing orders in Odoo, you have the option to select whether you want to set Odoo’s SO number or Amazon’s SO number in the order. If this option is selected then by default Odoo’s SO number will be applied to that Sales Order.

  • Amazon FBA Order Prefix

You can set the prefix to add before order reference so as to identify which marketplace that order belongs to.

  • Are Fulfillment Centers Required to Import FBA Orders?

When importing orders into Odoo, you have the option to import orders specific to the fulfillment center. If True, the fulfillment center must be configured in an appropriate warehouse for orders to be imported.


You can sync the latest fulfilment centers to your warehouses by clicking on the sync fulfilment centers button visible only when the Are fulfillment centers required to import FBA orders toogle is active.

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