You can cancel any Amazon Orders directly from Odoo and you can also import FBM cancelled orders from Amazon to Odoo.
To cancel the order first you need to cancel the Delivery Order for a specific sales order and then you will be able to cancel the Amazon order.
To cancel an Amazon Order from Odoo, Navigate to Amazon ↣ Sales ↣ Sales Orders (FBM).
Select the order you want to cancel and you will be able to see the option Cancel In Amazon.
You will only be able to see the option Cancel on Amazon if you have cancelled the Delivery order related to the order.
By clicking on Cancel In Amazon, a pop up will open and you will be asked to select a specific return reason. You can even cancel the order from Amazon and it will be updated in Odoo as well.
Check Cancel Order in Amazon
You can fetch FBM cancel orders from Amazon to Odoo. This can be done in 2 ways:
- Automatically through Scheduler
Navigate to Amazon ↣ Configurations ↣ Sellers ↣ FBM scheduler.
- Manually through Operations
Navigate to Amazon ↣ Operations ↣ Select Seller ↣ Select Operations for FBM ↣ Check Cancel Orders.